Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Hitting bottom again....

When I returned yesterday from this very good friend, I sent my affair an SMS, just telling her that I missed her. She didn't respond. Worse yet, we didn't really see each other in the office, and I got the feeling that she's avoiding me. And I would have so very much liked to share with her what I've found out over the weekend.

Why? We had such a good conversation on Friday, and I don't know what's happening.... What happened over the weekend with her boyfriend? Did she discover that she really loves him, as I discovered that I really loved her? Does she feel that she cannot see me as long as she's seeing him? Or does she feel that this is too painful, that she perhpas cannot even think about whether she loves me, because she's afraid of loosing me after all?

I sent her an e-mail asking how she was doing, and she simply replied that she didn't know. I sent her an SMS, or better: lots of SMS's, telling her how much I loved her etc.... Stupid me! She probably got a lest 10 SMS from me within a few minutes.... this is definitely not the right way to keep her. I sent her a last SMS telling her that I'd give her the space that she needs...

And then I wrote her a very long e-mail, trying to explain what I wasn't able to tell her in person. Not sure whether I'll send it off to her; I first need to sleep over it and see how I feel tomorrow.

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